Explore how thousands of customers have achieved better outcomes and patient experiences.

See how Total Surgery Center achieved 100% chart completion and physician adoption.
More customer proof in case you’re still on the fence

“You have the absolute most user friendly EHR I’ve ever used. I love it so much, I want to be able to use HST at my inpatient hospital as well!”
Tawna Zauner, PSN Affiliates

“The HST Pathways team ensures a seamless and successful implementation by laying out an optimal plan, but tailoring to fit the needs of each center.”
Michelle Federigo, Seashore Surgery Center

“The relationship with our physician offices has greatly improved. No more hostility and no more blaming the other side for missing faxes on patient information.”
Meg Stagliano, Seashore Surgery Center

“Our testing has concluded that you are providing 98.9% accuracy in the patient estimates you are producing.”
Cheryl Maplesden, Prelude Fertility

“We are collecting so much prior to service because of your program. Night and day.”
Monica Ziegler, Manhattan Surgery Center

“I have used competing ASC software and the others just don’t hold up to HST.”
Nate Garner, Modesto Surgery Center

“Using HST eChart, I completed 60 charts in one hour. If we were still using paper charting, it likely would have taken closer to four hours.”
Dr. Garth Stevens, MD

“I was very impressed with your patient support representative. She really listened and got it all down. She was very friendly and helped me during a stressful time. In a 1-10 rating, I would give her a 20!”
Patient, North Hills Surgery Center